

October 09

BOSNIA. Marian Apparitions

Medjugorje. In 1981 la Virgen, wood Aparécio a SEIS entre niños de doce y diez años en una montaña Cercan a este de pueblecito Herzegovina. Al día siguiente volvieron cuatro de estos niños con otros dos amiguitos y se les volvió a aparecer. Today they still have the Lady appears to them once in a while and that speaks and tells them messages to share them with the world…

Supongo que os is estarán poniendo Pelos como los escarpias

El caso es que hasta Medjugorje que me trajo el Europeu. The village has grown in size and now is something like a Christian tourism center and permanent exhibition of religious articles subject. Here we sell from Virgin magnets for the fridge to glasses “Ray-ban” blessed. Thousands of tourists travel the places of apparitions with their rosaries and crucifixes, nuns and curillas, all patients who come to see if it sounds the flute…

The hostel owner told us a story of one terminal with multiple sclerosis who came in a wheelchair and came to the place of the apparitions got up and started jumping and screaming MIRACLE, MIRACLE!!! … Y así las que queráis.

The village has about religious activities stressful schedules. Mass Masses, processions, massive benedicciones… The Europeu going crazy, not reach all. For my part, and once sated my anthropological interest, I was staying over at the bar. Although neither there you running away from the sermons on the speakers and even some locally televised Mass.

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Mass massive (not, not a concert of the Rolling Stone)

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Service queue?. No!, I cheated again!. Queues are the confessionals, they exist in all languages.

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Source of spring Mezjugorje. His eight pipes do not avoid the queues.

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The town is full of shops like this.

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Eau de Medjugorje. The Bronchales does best, cheaper and in two-liter container.

I firmly believe that Marian visions have existed. The only thing is that I place more output “Spook factory” at the time of the “Route cod” in the mountains of Herzegovina.

He who killed the narrative tension to advance the end of the story, but I will. Although we went to the place, in the end it appeared to us the Virgin. Neither Virgin nor resabiá, I came back with two boxes of 12 intact, either end we caught chub. And that, entre tanta monja y mojigata, if it would have been a miracle.

That if, de esta experiencia tan psicotrópica me quedo con una imagen. It's good to write it here. Cuando sea muy viejecito y recuerde esta historia dudaré si la he vivido o si la he fumado.

Not quite how, ( good, if, because of Europeu) a lady took us and we ended up at the door of the house of one of the “visionary” junto a nuestros compañeros de hostal Walter y Nicoletta. And there we were waiting in the street and under the sunshine as it went out to talk to us, it is the rule that they should not be calling.

In the afternoon I had very hard thoughts existentialists, type: “What the hell am I doing in a village in Bosnia Herzegovina with Europeu waiting at the door of one of the visionaries of the Virgin?. Sure you did well leaving the bank? “. El caso es que no estábamos bien informados y después de esperar dos horas en la puerta nos soplaron que no estaba. On leaving the house we passed another “visionary”.
This is the crowd that was waiting at the door. Neither Angelina and Brad's house.

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The photo came fatal, but at the door of the visionary had been waiting more than 50 people…

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Ivan and his family, owners of the hostel we stayed


  1. Yolanda

    Gracias Josan, gracias y mil gracias. No sabía que hacer en mis próximas vacaciones, dudaba si Asia o el Caribe, pero un plan tan sugerente como este no lo puedo dejar pasar… Yo que voy buscando todos los sitios sagrados del continente y este se me había escapado, menos mal que los amigos como tu no fallan y hacen que mi sed de espíritu tenga un objetivo…

  2. Elveranomaslargo

    De nada Yolanda! Como safari antropológico no tiene precio.

  3. Cristina

    Juas Juas Juas!!!… me he meado de risa con este post!!!:… Te sigo.. un beso

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