

Nov 02


He had arrived the night before, very late. On the way I met a Brazilian blonde that had the same ticket I Round the world. He told me he had just separated from her boyfriend, with wearing 5 months traveling.

It was time to leave the airport and face reality. It was night, the country is not easy nor known and had to fend for themselves. You never know if things are good or bad; the case is that he had prepared a reservation at a hotel. But I think I would have been better if he had caught the flight destination winking, had ignored my reservation and I had gone with Adriana looking for backpacker area.

I said goodbye to Adriana, never see her again.

After some incidents with rape and murder tourists in taxis, airports in India operates a system of prepaid taxis in an office where data carrier caught and transported for safety.

This morning I confirmed it last night and it was clear: I hotel from authentic asco. Y que aims habré seen hoteles. Y que no soy aims pejiguero. Pero esto es exagerado, hay Rona de años en cualquier sitio que mires. Y a Bichitos que par de quito de la cama. From apoyarse asco en la pared. From asco coger el ascensor (y miedo). From asco acostarse. From asco ducharse.

Went up to the street to the buscar algo que desayunarme. Al llegar anoche recuerdo que de Estaban repletas people durmiendo por las Aceras, familias enteras así como perros, Cabras, gallinas ...

Olores los fuertes que son tan aturden. Wherever you go get intense odors, often unknown to me. Drains, spices, fried ...

As I walk constantly begging me. Children, ragged and dirty, follow me, on the sidewalks have to overcome ill beggars, deformed or maimed. Will this woman leprosy?
In the shop there are hundreds of bizarre pasta, dry cakes and much more, but I only am able to buy a package of cupcakes. Precintadito, industrial. Little by little.




Again I go outside, while I'm a young man discovers surprise me from across the street. Visibly limps and calls two children, cross all to me. I keep walking until a few meters after, with great effort reaches me and tells me smiling:

-Please. Something to eat!

And I give a cupcake. At that moment, his daughter.

- And for her! -And for him pointing to the little guy running toward us.

This is just unbearable not, YOUR COUNTRY IS A SHIT surprised me saying loud and clear, although in perfect Castilian. Why have children who can not keep?

Meanwhile encojida barefoot woman takes as 4 blocks behind me. Sell ​​handmade purses. I told 20 Sometimes I do not want anything. Esforzádose going to follow me step boldly accelerated. And there is. Sucking wheel.

That horror!. I bought a purse.

I had to hear what you thought:
What agony! I'm leaving this hotel! I'm leaving this neighborhood! Although not if it will be different.

I packed and caught a taxi. Let Colaba, backpackers area.

-Will 400 rupees.

-not, put the meter.

- not working.

-because goodbye!

-ok,ok, taximeter

I took my mochilón to four hotels before finding one with decent sensible price. At first I wanted more of 100 euros…

The hotel room I decide to stay, were 1.200 rupees. My taxi driver hides with a hotel employee. Clear, you would be paying the commission.

I pay the driver the 100 rupees and I mark the meter shows a table written…

- They are 240 rupees, this is the updated rate converted.

discuss with the. I do not know if the table will be legal. The only thing is that it is still not too much money, but it pisses me off that tease me.

- Waiting, there also puts nightly rate!

- Good, for then 190 rupees.

I will pay the 190, I'm bored.

- Waiting! more 10 rupees per carry the backpack

-Thus far we have come, fuck!

- Ok, Ok, 190 rupees.

It will, climb the pack and I pay the hotel.

- No, are 120 plus 10% tax!

Clear, I am being charged the commission of the driver. For a moment I think of sending him to hell and eat the taxi commission. But then I'm sick, and where I go again with the backpack? Drink.

And this is Mumbai, the city where 19 million, of which half live on the street or temporary shacks, leave every day to make a living.

I can do two things. One is to extend my stay in the country but catch me a train and go to Goa or inland. The other is to stay and shorten my stay.

Following on from now on bus.



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  1. Orange

    A que India te da una buena bienvenida? jua jua jua…
    Todo sucio, sí. Qué pensaste cuando te viste tus propias uñas sucias?

  2. Mamen

    Puf qué fuerte. No sé por qué en el blog de Naranjito no me pareció tan pobre todo. Jobar qué fotos, qué pobreza. Yo no creo que aguantase mucho ahí. Bueno no sé, depende de cómo te lo tomes. Qué tienen atado ahí, ¿cabras? Joder qué duro.

  3. Dieta

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  4. DavidR

    la verdad es que India no me llama absolutamente nada, ver tanta pobreza y estar discutiendo todo el rato por los precios no me acaba de molar.


    1. Elveranomaslargo

      Con el tiempo me está pasando igual. Más que “fichar” nuevos países prefiero ir a aquellos que me encantan, que son fáciles y agradables.

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