

Sea 15



First of all this video. While speaking of the Inca neighbor expresses very well what it feels like when you travel without seeking anything concrete Bolivia while looking for him all. And in these occurs to me, I spent my twenties I study and work at the same time with the sole exception of the military, which in my case would have otherwise; my forties I send a message to my twenties I. Vídeo enviado por Carmen, companion hospitalera.
Fue hace poco, and towards the end of my month touring Bolivia. He was eating with Josu, a Basque bastard he. He was telling his adventures in South America, which certainly would not be suitable either for heart or for times when children. Y en estas que me dice: Is not it much better to travel alone; you know a lot more people and more things happen to you?
Lo cierto es que en un lugar donde las distancias entre las personas son tan cortas como en Bolivia, traveling alone is a call to make your trip very intense. With great ease you get to know people and you are passing moves, and so few stories overlap with other without getting rest.
Soy muy escéptico, I often find myself surrounded by believers throughout the credible and incredible, of astrology to religion, the Enneagram, reincarnation… Sin embargo yo, you just believe in anything, I often like to think that people are for something and at one point. Because they have to tell you something, or you have to tell your. Para ayudarte o para que les ayudes… No creo que haya ningún guionista ni intencionalidad; I still think the chances are that we get our best conclusions. But it's nice to think that they are causalities, it all comes into our lives for a reason…
Esta entrada va en homenaje a los viajeros y locales de Bolivia que, with some reason, Met by chance.
En Santa Cruz, Fernanda brasileiros, Leandro and Matthias, that were the most fun.
Los chilenos Nacho y José María, with them and a few others from the hostel we stick a nice little party night.

By couchsurfing stayed with The Madrid Ana, who lives in Santa Cruz andwith which I have much in common, and with Cristian. I enjoyed meeting you!

Vaya un dilema! By couchsurfing not just when you are traveling you can take the initiative to meet someone or ask you to stay. We also report travelers who are dancing by your city.
Así fue que estando en Cochabamba esta tal Karen me propuso quedar a tomar algo. What to do? As you can see has an imperfection, a freckle, beside the lip, and when they start well… Un beso para Karen, had a great time at Cocha!
Our guide, Faustino, which is what hooked us coca Marc and my.
Coca leaves

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La japonesa Rie Iwata, tan simpática ella.

Ángels trabajaba en banca y lo odiaba tanto como yo. Hace poco buscó una oferta de salida y ahora se dedica a viajar con su novio Adrien y a escribir su novela. Seará casualidad que la conociera? Brigitte dejó hijos y nietos en Francia para cumplir su sueño al menos por un año: viajar! Espero no perderos de vista!

Con las couchsurferas Claudia, Jimena y Xime. Con razón no quería irme de Sucre!

Josu, el vasco, con quien coincidí en Potosí, Sucre y santa cruz. It has spread its negative RH throughout the continent, the very Gulf.
Ana Karen iba hablando sola por la calle maldiciendo su mala suerte porque no tenía para pañales. By chance I started to talk to her because I had to stop buying diapers and inviting her to eat.
Con Julio y Julián coincidí en uyuni, Potosi, Sucre, Samaipata and santa cruz. En Samaipata contratamos a Giovanni para que nos llevara de excursión a las cataratas. At first we were a little worried that our driver had only 16 years old, but we reassured to know that I had two years of experience in their work.

How great Paul … Amigo chileno, I hope to see you again somewhere in the world!
Paola Paul with couchsurfera, in Santa Cruz.
Ya deshaciendo camino para la vuelta a España he hecho escala una noche en la siempre divertida casa de Sonia y Miguel; la que yo digo que parece “family doctor”. This time apart from the usual two couchsurferos were housed, edie Hawaiian and German Martina.
Por casualidad conocí a Martina para que me contara algo. What lleva 11 viajando years for him among world media otras with su van. Que ahora mismo la tiene aparcada en Kyrgyzstan…, (Kazakhstan to spend as mano derecha) al otro del mundo side. Y que es un plan muy bueno irse por Asia con la furgoneta, without hurry…
Quién se apunta a recorrer Asia con furgoneta??? Se admiten tramos parciales!
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