The coast of Montenegro and Budva particularly horrified me. Pebbles in space or you would not have to deploy the towel, all packed up chairs to payment, bursting with people and overflowing with kittens that compete with each other to see who gets the “modern music” highest.
Who might like a place, full of Russian tourists…. ah, to, and Russian…. and fall …
Foam parties every four kittens and loud music Thankfully the hostel was quiet. What majos our Israeli friends! Y yo que les tenía tirria! How bad are the prejudices!
Below our hostel mates Seville, serbia y Kosovars
The much joined Europeu Slavic culture. I can not tell to what extent, sorry. Se lo prometí.
I also drank from that fountain!. More stone mine was! After a brief stint in Dubrovnik boarded a ferry to Rijeka on the Adriatic, Slovenia.
The ferry was a hybrid between cruising and patera; a tour in the Adriatic but bought in the Chinese. That if, spectacular views. Traveling by boat is a very nice option. Why would he be so happy? And again Rijeka with fellow party hostel. Gaston, Dionis and three Polish
From there to the romantic Venice with Europeu. All day up and down paseándola.
The truth, would rather go with a pretty girl, hold her hand, tour the city by gondola, whisper in her ear how beautiful she is, kiss under the Bridge of Sighs; and all this after… pegarle un buen polvo! Sure! Like all!
Abajo la piazza San Marco, that always works. Maybe it's the world's most expensive place. The cappuccinos you come in between 9 and 13 euros And with this photo on the “Bridge of Sighs” me naked. To not let up rumors feet of separation, then the people are very poor…
Elu Garcia ANTOLIN
20 October, 2013 at 18:40 (UTC 1) Link to this comment
Por fin sabemos algo del viaje de este verano de nuestros amigos, pues no parece que se lo pasaran mal por lo que se ve, están acostumbrados a posar en las fotos y siempre salen sonrientes. Un buen reportaje Josan.
22 October, 2013 at 20:37 (UTC 1) Link to this comment
Huyhuhuyyyyyyy……..que hay tema¡¡¡.
Muy chulo el viaje, se vé que a lo habéis pasado genial.
Ya me tocará amigo Josuan, en breve estaré dando la vuelta al mundo con mis dividendos. Cada día queda un día menos.
Qué envidia¡¡¡, pero sana.
23 October, 2013 at 0:35 (UTC 1) Link to this comment
If, tuve momentos de tensión, la heterosexualidad de mi amigo no me parecía muy sólida, pero al final se reprimió.
Ya verás como si, dentro de menos de lo que te imaginas y con el camino tan claro que llevas lo conseguirás. Ya te dije, cada vez va más rápido.
Un abrazo desde la isla de Jeju, que me está encantando.