

Nov 18


Far is friendly image that continued until World War II U.S., the country that when Europe was bleeding in war was coming to finish fights.

En realidad U.S. have always sought to get into wars they could make a profit, acceleration are the economy, gain political or territories and resources.

And almost always have used the same trick to get into the war, MAKE THEM A BOAT sink.
In 1897 U.S. coveted colonial remnants Spain, Cuba, Philippines and Puerto Rico. They did? They sent a boat, the maine a Cuba, and mysteriously exploded. Let there be war!

After a short war with Spain managed to keep their last colonies. In the naval battle of Santiago de Cuba destroyed the fleet of Admiral Cervera, el que decidió salir del puerto con su famosa frase "WORTH MORE BOATS BOATS WITHOUT HONOR WITHOUT HONOR"
And with great honor all Spanish ships were sunk. The only Spanish I sink a ship in the entire war, Guess which? Exact, the maine.
A World War that came from German submarines sank another of his ships, the LUSITANIA, loaded with passengers and possibly weapons.

A World War II when the Japanese bombed entered the fleet left in Pearl Harbour. Was a bait? Why aircraft carriers if the hiding for further? Surely in the U.S. government more than one was glad that day.

And to enter the Vietnam War, where they intended to prevent the spread of communism in Asia led to a incidente en Halong Bay con otro barco. This war was a fiasco, not only because it was the only one lost, but because American society protested vigorously and from there would no longer be possible to start major wars the U.S. easily.

The following was the first war against Iraq. De toda la vida Saddam Hussein era aliado de los EEUU, have often shown to have no trouble accepting any friend by evil that is as interested. Previously, cuando cayó el Shah of Persia, U.S. ally and ascended the Ayatollah Khomeini, U.S. promoted that Saddam Hussein attacked Iran. After several years of Iraq war and the U.S. was losing the peace caused by sending aircraft carriers to the area and threatening Iran.

This time the "ship" was a small country full of oil. Posiblente incitaron a Sadam para que conquistara Kuwait. The U.S. does not have much influence in the area and move them out masterful. They turned against his former ally Saddam Hussein, "Liberated" Kuwait and stayed with bases, oil contracts and political allegiance in almost all countries in the region.

El último “barco” que les han hundido fueron the twin towers. I'm sure the U.S. government many have blessed this attack under the name of war against the "axis of evil" are using to declare war on countries that suits them, although they have nothing to do with the authorship of the attacks.

The wicked who have put in the movie, Bin Laden, one nerd, I could never be a serious threat; but applaud the terrorist act, actually had nothing to do with its authorship. This man, that may be dead, have endorsed the role of the villain to justify a crusade against evil, so you can attack the most interested countries, those with oil.

In fact Bin Laden was always an ally of the U.S., su radicalismo religioso musulmán tenía el visto bueno de los EEUU cuando luchaba en Afghanistan contra los rusos.

Things I think a veces son tan sencillas que parecen mentira: El gobierno de EEUU inició la guerra contra Iraq unicamente porque la clase dominante tiene intereses en la industria petrolera y armamentista.

Ultimately, what I mean is that there is a ruling class in the U.S., owners of multinationals and large families, que siempre han estado en el poder y ha dirigido al país en función de sus intereses. And have shielded their power tremendamente. So much that you could say it is a dictatorship of a few.

I think how this ruling class has shielded its domain explains many of the characteristics of the U.S.:

-There are only two parties, which come to be right-far right (Republicans) and center-right, (Democrats). In any Western country like the communist parties have been legal, although they have not eaten anything, but USA, land of the free, have been persecuted to death (the witch hunt). Both parties are controlled by this ruling class.

- Having divided society razas malavenidas impide que la gente se pueda unir y rebelar. Some worry that they will not step on them and others that do not exceed.

- Mejor que los ciudadanos medios tengan solo la minimal culture. And you know we live in the country of freedoms, and the best live.
- Repressive regime, Year 2000 Rwanda only exceeded the percentage of people behind bars in the U.S..
- Opium for the people. Vivan religions!
- Sociedad consumerist, everyone is extremely busy paying their loans.
-Controlling medios de comunicación, especially television. Americans, their 4 hours of television per day on average, and low cultural level are handled in your opinion. The wars look like a cakewalk, which shows the latest technologies, and no deaths or bombs.

I could not sum up more and still I rolled a lot. Lo que he querido decir en definitiva es que en mi opinión la clase dirigente de los EEUU no tiene límite en su avarice, and does not hesitate to lead his country to act without any ethics, both foreign and internal policy to increase their privileges increasingly.


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  1. Rafa

    Josan, te has pasado un poco, creo que la propaganda anti-yankee ha hecho mella en ti.

    Es cierto que USA en un pais de grandes contrastes, pero sigue habiendo enormes puntos positivos, que son los que hacen que media mundo esté intentando irse a vivir allí. Cuando vuelvas ya discutiremos un poco.

    Mientras tanto disfruto en Thailandia, que te quedan cuatro días.

  2. Josan

    Good, no digo que no me centre en lo negativo, pero creo que todo lo que digo es verdad… Ya parlarem

  3. Mamen

    Pues yo creo que el fondo de lo que cuenta sí que está acertado. Los EEUU siempre han empezado las guerras por interés, con la excusa de poner paz en el mundo (qué cosas…poner paz comenzando guerras) y en realidad lo que pretenden siempre es dominarlo. La guerra de Irak es el ejemplo más reciente.
    Bush es un payaso total al que le importa un bledo el tema humano con tal de conseguir lo que quiere (cuando comienzas una guerra sabes que siempre va a morir gente inocente, niños..etc, pero claro, en el sillón de la White House se está muy bien, menudo k….).
    Sociedad consumista, división de clases sociales…Si Si. ¿Qué pasó con los negritos del huracán Katrina en New Orleans? No se preocuparon demasiado de ellos. Let, al menos eso es lo que se percibe desde aquí. A lo mejor si voy allí y veo otras cosas cambiarìa de opinión, pero de momento es lo que pienso yo también.

  4. Rafa

    No digo que USA no comience las guerras por interés, pero es mi limitado interés todo el mundo lo hace así, y USA es de los pocos que por lo menos ha intentado historicamente sacar un resultado positivo para el conquistado. La estrategia clásica de la guerra de Iraq hubiera sido esclavizar o exterminar a la población local, quedarse con los recursos y repoblar con población afín o no problemática.

  5. Mamen

    No sé, pero a mí me da la sensación de que quieren ir de buenos y no lo son tanto.
    ¿Habeis oido lo del Gobernador de NY?, claro ejemplo de defensa de la moralidad para los estadounidenses y se ha gastado no sé cuánta pasta (no se sabe si suya o de contribuyentes) en prostitutas de lujo. Predicando justo lo contrario a lo que hace. Y encima sale la mujer al lado tan modosita, como ya hizo la de Bill Clinton. ¿Es que esas mujeres no tienen sangre en las venas?
    ¿Las han drogado o algo? ¿O es que tienen que seguir aparentando? Bueno me callo porque estoy de un guerrero hoy…
    Muy falso todo ¿no?

  6. Cobi

    ¿Qué país del mundo soportaría que lo analizásemos con esta intensidad?

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