

October 15

BOSNIA.La you can roll at a time.


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Front line in Mostar

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Remember la guerra


In Bosnia and Herzegovina have lived forever different ethnic groups. In 1992 this was the composition of the population:

Bosnians 43%

Serbs 31%
Croats 17%
Yugoslavs 5% (consider themselves as Yugoslavs; in the former Yugoslavia the population declared themselves as Yugoslav just reached a 1%).


The Bosnians are Muslims, heirloom from its Turkish, Orthodox Serbs and Catholic Croats. Bosnians and Croats use the Latin alphabet and Serbian Cyrillic.

Pero aparte de esas diferencias que daban mucho colorido podían entenderse muy bien si querían. Y así fue durante mucho tiempo. The language was the same, Serbo-Croatian; y tenían todos la misma sangre, was indistinguishable in appearance from each other. Orthodox Churches, alternated critianas and mosques without problem. The area was a 30% richer than the rest of the former Yugosalvia. El 40% of marriages were mixed.

Until I arrived a day, some politicians outside the street life is not agreed on the distribution of grapes. And bundled. Suddenly. The result we know. Four years of war, 200.000 dead, destruction of the country, attempts of ethnic cleansing, massive violations, mutilations and many broken lives. It is good to remember, already known. He who forgets history is doomed to repeat…

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”Spanish caching team”


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The famous bridge of Mostar.



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In a European dijó the Rapture: “Tonight we catch chub!. if I shot the bridge we caught!”

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The bridge by jumping Europeu. Before wondering if you wanted to avoid.

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Good jump kid!

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The famous Avenue of the snipers in Sarajevo. Below the hotel where reporters were during the siege of Sarajevo,Arthur Peérez including Reverte

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En el festival de cine de Sarajevo pudimos ver la excelente pelicula bosnia ”Circles”

We spent the…


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In Sarajevo we went to Montenegro. Along the way we met the French Odile, Julien, Bruno y Olivia; and with them we went on mountaineering. “Pa habernos matao!” Ocho horas subiendo y bajando como las cabras, the times of the, but more on all fours…

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Odile about to fall. Times of stress.

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And for some beers apuntillar day

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  1. Nikitanipone

    ¿ Europeu saltando?….VENGAAAA!!!!!!…..

  2. Elveranomaslargo

    Que si mujer, que si!

  3. europeu

    Pobrecitos los chicos de Mostar, lo que les toca hacer para impresionar s las chicas

  4. Elveranomaslargo

    Es verdad, a nosotros nos basta con sentarnos en la barra del Negrito para que se queden todas impresionadas y mirándonos de reojo.

  5. man

    Los politicos pueden liarla bien en un país, sobre todo los nacionalistas que arengan a las masas, eso fue lo que paso en Yugoslavia.

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